We made it through week one, and we're on to week two in the Lunch Less Ordinary Blog Challenge. Sleeves rolled up, gloves on, at the ready!
The challenges to choose from this week are:
1) Mini ‘wrappers’ - get the kids to make up the lyrics to a ‘wrap’ about their lunch
2) Have lunch in a less ordinary location! Send us your photos collage at the end of the week – we’re looking for the most creative wrap lunches and locations!
3) Have lunch in your own mini mardi gras – check out the images we’ve sent you as inspiration!
4) Lunchtime less ordinary bus tour. Take some wraps and go enjoy the sights of your local area
Two of these missions immediately jumped out at me, the less ordinary location and the bus tour.
First to prepare the lunch:
Mission Deli Wrap topped with cucumber philadelphia, covered in slices of sweet red pepper. All rolled up. Eaten with savoury eggs, cocktail sausages, cherry tomatoes, and all washed down with a carton of apple juice. It is a picnic after all!
So with lunch all prepared I headed off on my mission: a local bus tour to show you the amazing sights that are just 30 minutes down the road...
You will find this new monument close to where I parked down by the river. Any guesses as to where I am?
Diamond Jubilee Fountain
I didn't even know this was here. As the title suggests, this monument was created to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, marking 60 years of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.
Have you guessed yet?
Then at the top of the Long Walk, that takes you from Windsor Castle down to the Great Park, I found this, the Coronation Arch. The perfect place for a spot of lunch.
Now have you guessed where I am? A Lunch Less Ordinary in Windsor!
Why is it a less ordinary lunch?
This Coronation Arch was created specifically to commemorate the Queen's Coronation, made of six willow archways reaching 30 feet high at the top of the Long Walk. And as luck would have it, I got there just before they are due to take it down. They are taking it down tomorrow, Monday 14 October, so if you are keen to see it, you must hurry on over!
The whole construction is made out of willow and it is to raise money for the Royal Windsor Rose and Horticultural Society. Some of it is even being auctioned off! I got chatting to two photographers there, that have been snapping away photos of the Coronation Arch in all weathers ever since its erection in September. They captured torrential rain, mist, cloud, sun, fog, the only weather they didn't manage was snow!
Then back up to the Castle, you'll see these amazing sights. There are bus tours that will drive you around and even venture over to Legoland if you've young kiddlies. So here's a taster of what you can find at Windsor...
First and foremost, Windsor is home to Windsor Castle that has been inhabited for over 900 years. So I think you'll agree this is the most decadent, least ordinary location for lunch. I wandered through the state apartments, although no photography is allowed within the Castle so I cannot show you the evidence. I had planned to perch on a windowsill and savour my lunch time wrap, but alas...
I managed to do a whistle stop tour of Windsor Castle and had timed it perfectly to capture the guard stretching his legs at 1pm sharp! Just for me!
So where would you choose for your lunch less ordinary?
The Lunchbox Lady x
This post is part of a challenge set by Mission Deli Wraps in search of the least ordinary luncher! Prizes are up for grabs each week, so do please hop over and like this post by commenting!