Yes, we knew it would happen sooner or later! Anchor Dairy has launched their Anchor Cheddar! Just what our sandwiches have been waiting for!
With a bold flavour and yet a hint of sweetness, Anchor Mature is perfect in a lunchbox. If you're after a stronger taste than that, then why not try Anchor Extra Mature.
Last night we also tried the cheddar in freshly baked jacket potatoes, that had a knob of butter melting, before sprinkling on the grated Cheddar on top, then carefully drizzled over the baked beans and some pickle on the side.
Now our favourite quickie lunch box recipe for cheddar has to be these cheese scones. They are again perfect for finger food, lunch boxes and picnics and are really (I kid you not) very simple to make.
Quick and Easy Cheese Scones
Simply mix the following ingredients together:
1 cup flour
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
160ml water (or just enough to mix the dry ingredients together - this amount will vary depending on what flour you use)
salt and pepper
2 tsp baking powder
and shape into a round ball of dough. Flour the surface, and with a rolling pin, roll out the dough, until 1cm thick minimum. Grab your cutter, and cut into scone shapes with your cutters.
I often reach for the loveheart cutter and regularly get the kids to help. They love eating the leftover bits of dough as well as help out.
Glaze with egg or milk, whatever you have to hand, and pop in a pre-heated oven at 220C for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown. Timing really depends on your oven. So do keep an eye on the oven, as it is such a shame to burn them.
In our household, even though one batch makes approx 24 mini scones, it is never enough, as they are such a snackable thing, and very very moreish.
Top Tip: For extra kick, sprinkle in some paprika or cayenne pepper.
Both Anchor Cheddars are available this week in Tesco and rolling out in good supermarkets.
So what is your favourite cheese? Would it be cheddar or something else?
Do let us know!
The Lunchbox World Team x
PS and don't forget if you're needing a new lunch box or lunch bag do check out our
Lunchbox World Shop